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Become a Healer

Discover your innate ability to heal and connect to the infinite powers of Source!


Usui/Holly Fire® III Reiki I & II Certification

Reiki is a beautiful life-force energy given to us as a gift to renew and heal ourselves. It is powerful, gentle, provides purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance. In this 2-day class, you will be attuned to Reiki energy, connecting you to this incredible source of love. You will be opened to the flow of Reiki enabling you to channel its energy to others and yourself.

This class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience.

Usui/Holly Fire® III Master Training & Certification

Deepen your journey with Reiki!

This class is for Reiki Practitioners who want  to strengthen their connection and raise their vibratory energy  of Reiki.  This certification class is deeply healing as this beautiful energy permeates your entire being aligning you with your Divine purpose on Earth and helping you to heal the deepest parts of yourself.

Usui/Holly Fire III Reiki Master is a 3 day intensive training from 9:30 am-6 pm each day. At the end of this class you will be able to teach Reiki I through Reiki Master, if you choose.

To qualify to take this class, you must have taken Reiki I & II and practiced Reiki II for at least 6 months.

 Usui/Holly Fire (R) III  Karuna Reiki

Karuna means: Compation action

Karuna Reiki is a healing energy which assists us in awakening universal compassion and the wisdom in one's soul. When combined with energy, our state of consciousness in compassion has a great transformational power. The energy of Karuna Reiki is both effective and powerful. In fact, many students find it more powerful then Usui Reiki as the energy has a more definite feeling to it. It works on the emotional and spiritual levels and also can help one become more grounded.

This class is the next step after Reiki Master and is both a practitioner and a Master class. To qualify to take this class, a student must have 6 months practice and integration at the Reiki Master Level.

IRCT Animal Reiki I & II

The Animal Reiki energy is a special energy .It is its own unique Reiki frequency that is different than human Reiki. The Animal Reiki energy restores the blessings between the animals and the people. It unifies the human and animal consciousness in the Reiki practitioner. The Animal Reiki energy and course heals the people as much as the animals. The class is as much about healing us, as us healing them.

It is a true exchange!

The Animal Reiki Placement given in the class, will attune and unify the Animal Reiki energy with your existing Usui Reiki energy and symbols. The class also teaches the Animal Reiki techniques and skills needed to share Reiki with animals.

This class is open to all Reiki lineages and belief systems with animal relationship. You must have completed at least level II Reiki to register.

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