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"Reiki is Love

Love is wholeness,

Balance is well being,

Well being is freedom from


-Dr.Mikao Usui


I'm Jandi Briggs

I am a Life Coach,  Usui/Holly Fire® III Reiki Master/Teacher, Akashic Record reader, and Ortho-Bionomy® Practitioner.

I help women to transform their physical, energetic, mental , emotional, spiritual bodies, and empower them to create and live their most aligned, expansive Soul filled life in a balanced, grounded, and connected way. 


I am a mother of 3 teenagers- 2 girls and a boy. We live on a small family farm/ ranch that runs a cow/calf cattle operation. I also raise Corgis. Who doesn’t just love themselves a corgi? I like to rodeo, barrel race, and rope at brandings. 

I love to explore the great outdoors! Going camping, hunting, fishing, and bow fishing. 

And I LOVE horses, what girls doesn't?


This is where my healing journey begins!! 

I remember the day like it was yesterday I was  tired of the way my life was, tired of not living the life I wanted, tired of not doing what my life’s purpose was, tired of not having the relationships I wanted. I was tired of Life. 

I was just letting life happen to me instead of creating the life I wanted. 


So I took a leap of faith and jumped. I first started my journey learning to do massage and body work for horses, and as I went through my journey with horses, I realized the connection of how the human body impacted the horses body, and that took me into learning, and working with the human body with the modality called Ortho-Bionomy in February of 2019. 


Then one day shortly after I started my Orth-Bionomy journey, I was lying in bed feeling really sore, uncomfortable, and couldn’t sleep  I realized that I was sore in all the same places that the horses I had been working on were sore. So in all my learnings this far, I remembered about the technique of grounding so I went outside barefoot and walked in the grass to release all the energy that I had been collecting from the horses. And that started me down the path of energy healing, & spiritually. 


When I discovered Reiki in 2019 it changed everything for me, it allowed the healing to begin and opened my eyes to a whole new understanding of life, and it made me feel so good. It has taken me on this wonderful journey of healing, exploration, and learning.  Now it has led me to healing limiting beliefs and working with the subconscious mind. 


Coaching and teaching comes so natural to me, looking back all the way to my childhood I have always been a teacher and coach. When I was a kid I can remember playing school with my friends  and I was the teacher. I was always coaching my friends on their horseback riding skills or an event that they entered and I’ve always been the friend that my friends would come to with their problems and ask for advice. 


Coaching and teaching has always been a part of me, but now, with all the tools I have learned in 2023-2024 with YES Supply-Mindset Coaching, Neuro energetic wiring, Neuro energetic encoding, hypnosis, EFT and all the other tool I have learned over the years I understand how the mind, body and soul work together so I can really help women transform their life on a deep lasting level. 


I am so grateful to help women transform their physical, energetic, mental, emotional, spiritual bodies and empower them to create and live their most aligned, expensive life. 

Credentials  :


Usui/Holly Fire® III    I&II

Boise, ID

Usui/ Holly Fire®  III Master Teacher

Boise, ID


Holly Fire III Karuna Reiki Master Teacher

Boise, Idaho 


Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Practitioner

Boise, ID


Animal Reiki Master Teacher

Boise, ID


Certified Medical Reiki Master

By Raven Keys 

Certified Reiki  Journey Technique

Colleen & Robyn Benelli - Portland, OR


Ortho-Bionomy® Practitioner

Society of Ortho-Bionomy - Indianapolis, IN

Akashic Record Level 1 /2

Toronto, Ontario

Theta Healing Practitioner 

Boise, ID


Mindset & Life Coach, Hypnosis, Neuro Energetic Wiring, Neuro Energetic Encoding, EFT

Yes Supply - Toronto, Ontario


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